- Minesweeper 1 Limit -


To play the game, download the demo or purchase the full version - run the installer and follow the instructions. After the installation is complete, you can start the game - a new game will immediatly start! Use the arrow keys to scroll around and your mouse to start playing. Remember to check the menus to find out more about the instructions and the controls.



Minesweeper 1 Limit is the very first game I have created and have decided to sell. The sale of this software will hopefully help me to buy more time to develop more games and updates.

If you wish to send a suggestion to improve the game, to suggest a new feature or to submit a bug report, please contact me using my e-mail address here and I will try to reply as fast as I can - Thanks you!



Game Version

The game was created using BlitzMax. The project started the 1st of January and have meet his release version the 12th of the same month.
Current version - 1.0

No bug have been reported at the moment.